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For This (Their Sub Series Book 3) Page 13

  “My booties! Dammit!” Her voice sounded thin and scared even to her own ears but she bore ahead, especially as she could feel the darkness drawing closer to her and pressing down, threatening to suffocate her. She stepped carefully through the thick maze of woodland. The densely packed trees loomed high above, but remained still despite the icy breeze that began to flow around her. The darkness was upon her and the silvery moonlight trickled through the full branches. Alexis had to squint to see in front of her but kept an eye on the lights ahead which were coming closer with every step.

  A sliver of noise from her left spurred her into a run. She tore across the uneven surface like she was running the hundred-yard sprint.

  Out of breath with her heart thudding against her chest, she stumbled up the few steps. Her high heels sounded hollow on the large wrap around porch. She rushed forward to knock on the heavy wooden door, glancing behind her fearfully.

  “Oh, come on! I know there’s someone in here,” she shouted and hammered on the door with her fist. Rubbing her hands that had turned into icicles, she looked over her shoulder, scanning the dark edge of the woods. Her imagination ran away when she noticed what looked like the golden glow of a wolf's eyes.

  “Open this fricking door!” she screamed and slammed her fist against the thick wood, leaning against it like it would magically open. The next minute it gave way and she stumbled inside. Straight into the arms of . . . a mountain man!

  Oh, geez! Somebody save me. A caveman!

  Alexis gulped at the mere size of the man whose hands clamped around her shoulders to push her away. He was big—imposing even, nearly to the point of being intimidatingly massive. He was solidly built, muscle-bound to say the least.

  She gulped in a deep breath, curling her hands into fists. Purely to keep from dragging her fingers through his long, thick, and wet hair that framed his broad face of bold bone structure. They were the color of molten onyx and combined with a bushy beard that grew high on his face like a mask, he had the appearance of a cruel pirate.

  Wet hair? Oh, he must’ve been in the shower . . . oh, lordie, lordie me.

  The droplets of water that dripped from his hair and beard confirmed her thought. Her eyes were naturally drawn to follow the trickle of water that ran in a rivulet down the center of a massive chest, also matted with black hair, to follow the tracks over his rippled aps and finally disappear into—

  Whooa! Holy mother of Mary! Alexis breath whooshed out of the mouth. No caveman had the right to look this yummy.

  A small white towel was wrapped around his waist that left his one leg and hip bare. It was drawn tight over his slim hips and couldn’t hide the bulge she was staring at.

  Alexis felt heat suffuse her at the thought of what that hunk of a man would feel like between her legs.

  Snap! Snap!

  Her cheeks reddened when she realized she was staring at his snapping fingers in front of his crotch where her bemused gaze was still glued upon. They turned in an upward flick toward his face. Her cheeks now bloomed beetroot with embarrassment at being caught staring at his crown jewels.

  And then she became entrenched with another part of him.

  Good god, is there one part of this man not defined as gorgeous?

  His eyes, they were, in a word, beautiful. At first glance they appeared a plain ebony, as normal as any other pair. But staring at them now and up close they were fascinating, the plain ebony was so much more, when the dim light from the lamps around the room reflected off them, they had a shade of navy, with just a gentle touch of auric.

  “Well?” He demanded. The expression on his face was unamused at her fascination with his body.

  “Well what?” Alexis half stammered while she was trying her best to get her drooling libido under control.

  “Heaven save me from blushing virgins,” he growled. “I asked what you were doing here?”

  His words registered with Alexis. Her back went ramrod straight.

  His one eyebrow raised in an archaic bow.

  Her shoulders drew back squarely.

  His large hands settled low on his hips.

  “Firstly, Mr. Flintstone,” she said in a voice colder than the Antarctic, “I’m no virgin and secondly, I need help.” Her hands fluttered in the direction of the forest behind them. Her body began to shudder from delayed shock. “I . . . accident . . . car . . . down there . . . ooh.”

  She staggered a step forward, her mind swirling, her breath wheezed shallowly through her lips. Alexis felt her knees beginning to wobble moments before her limbs gave way and she collapsed in a dead faint.

  “Good god! What will these chits think off next,” the man sneered as he looked down at the delicate face of the beautiful woman he’d caught in his arms.

  Another trilogy of friends and their masterful Doms to entice you.

  Books Written as Linzi Basset

  Club Wicked Cove Series

  Desperation: Ceejay’s Absolution–Book 1

  Desperation: Colt’s Acquittal – Book 2

  Exploration: Nolan’s Regret – Book 3

  Merciful: Seth’s Revenge – Book 4

  Claimed: Parnell’s Gift – Book 5

  Decadent: Kent’s Desire – Book 6

  Club Alpha Cove Series

  His FBI Sub – Book 1

  His Ice Baby Sub – Book 2

  His Vanilla Sub – Book 3

  His Fiery Sub – Book 4

  His Sassy Sub – Book 5

  Their Bold Sub – Book 6

  His Brazen Sub – Book 7

  His Defiant Sub – Book 8

  His Forever Sub – Book 9

  His Cherished Sub – Book 10

  For Amy – Their Beloved Sub – Book 11

  Their Sub Novella Series

  No Option – Book 1

  Done For – Book 2

  For This – Book 3

  Paranormal Books

  The Flame Dragon King - Metallic Dragons #1

  Slade: The First Touch

  Azriel: Angel of Destruction

  Romance Suspense

  Caught Series

  Caught in Between

  Caught in His Web

  The Tycoon Series

  The Tycoon and His Honey Pot

  The Tycoon’s Blondie

  The Tycoon’s Mechanic

  Standalone Titles

  Her Prada Cowboy

  Never Leave Me, Baby

  Now is Our Time

  The Wildcat that Tamed the Tycoon

  The Poet’s Lover

  Sarah: The Life of Me

  Books Co-Written as Isabel James

  The White Pearl Series

  Double Shot Espresso – Book 1

  The Crow’s Nest – Book 2

  Poetry Bundle by Linzi Basset & James Calderaro

  Love Unbound - Poems of the Heart

  About the Author

  Linzi Basset is a Bestselling Author of suspense and paranormal romance and erotica whose passion for writing began at an early age.

  Linzi Basset reached Amazon Bestselling Author status with her very first series, Club Alpha Cove, a BDSM Club suspense series. All 11 books in the series achieved top 10 status on the Amazon Bestsellers ranking lists, with books 8 – 11 in the top 5 ranks. Books 10, His Cherished Sub and 11, For Amy, Their Cherished Sub achieved number 1 Amazon Bestseller ranking. His Forever Sub and His Cherished Sub were both nominated for the Golden Flogger awards (2016). His Cherished Sub was a finalist for the same award.

  Linzi believes that telling stories in her own voice, driven by her own passion is what motivates her and that is the very essence that gets insinuated into every one of her stories. It's a distillation of who and what inhabits her being. She truly experiences and lives every scene. She feels every touch, every kiss, every harsh word uttered and that to her is the key.

  “I write from the inside out. My stories are me. I live them. I couldn’t imagine writing a story looking in from the outside to try to describe something that I
cannot see or feel. When I feel myself laboring unnecessarily to write a scene that I can’t connect to, I know it’s going to come out wrong. My editor always tells me to leave some things to the reader's imagination, because I become so involved with describing what I see and feel.”

  Why do I write? This is the question we always have to think about, isn’t it? For me, it boils down to what Vincent Van Gogh once expressed: “I would rather die of passion than of boredom.” That's why I write. To express the deep well of passion that lives in my soul which is the part of me that I keep secreted away from my day to day existence. It's a part of me that had been suppressed for a long time primarily due to a very conservative upbringing. It was part of my familial and cultural heritage and what was expected of me. Now, I've reached a point in my life where I’m able to liberate myself and share my passion with others. Blossoming out of what once was the genesis of my own confined existence! Passion is what drives my creativity. Passion is what allows me to 'see' and express my own sensuality through the medium of the written word; to be able to draw from that deep well to define the beauty of eroticism and all that it encompasses. I want to share what I feel with others.

  Find her also as Isabel James in a collaboration of emotional and spiritual tales of discovery written in rich prose.

  Click on her website at: where you will find upcoming information about new releases, and excerpts from her books. Subscribe to her newsletter and join her on Twitter @LinziBasset or say hello on Facebook.