Page 12

  “Git, you sassy little snip, before I take you up on your offer.” He laughed as she lifted hopeful eyes. “You’re incorrigible, love. Unfortunately, there's no time. Tonight, however …”

  With the promise hanging in the air, Sage finally managed to drag her body through the door and down the stairs.

  “Man, how could I get this lucky to call all that mine?”

  “What are you mumbling about?” The red blush blooming over Sage’s cheeks spoke volumes. Talia tapped her fingers on the kitchen table where she was busy packing chips, crackers, cheese, and fruit into a picnic basket. “Or should I rather say who?”

  “I’ve been ordered to assist you, but it seems you’re already done.” Sage chose not to indulge her friend’s curiosity. Everyone could see she was happy and how she bloomed under Cole’s attention. There was no need to elaborate on it.

  “The housekeeper had everything already set out. All I had to do was pack it into the basket. The farm manager loaded the drinks. Where are the rest? I think all the students are already on the trailer.”

  “Trailer?” Sage peeked through the window and laughed. Every single student was already seated on a large trailer hooked behind a tractor next to the barn. They were singing and making such a ruckus, it could be heard all the way to the kitchen. “Ah, I see. And you’re right. They’re all waiting. Steve, Kent, and Bill are there already. Cole will be down in a minute. Ally is apparently not going with. What about Veronica? I don’t see her anywhere.”

  “I’m here,” said a petite brunette cheerfully as she walked into the kitchen. She looked like a student herself with her hair in two braids and wearing white shorts and a blue striped t-shirt. She glanced over her shoulder and whispered, “Is it true that if we win, the kids have to make tripe?”

  “What? Hell, the hell no.” Talia all but gagged at the thought.

  “Don’t worry. I’m with you ladies. Cole, on the other hand, is already drooling over it.” Sage tapped her toes on the floor.

  “As are Bill and Kent.” A shudder shook Veronica’s small frame. “I can’t, you guys. There’s no way I’ll be able to eat that … that vile dish.”

  “Ditto, my friend.” Sage peeked over Veronica’s shoulder to see if Cole was anywhere in sight. “We’ll just have to make sure we don’t win.”

  “How exactly are we gonna do that? Those three men are equally competitive, not to mention their pride that’ll take a blow if mere students beat them.”

  “I imagine the amount or weight of oranges in a container will count.” Sage smiled broadly. “The guys undoubtedly are going to insist on doing the picking. We’ll be the clumsy little women who just can’t keep up. We’ll just have to make sure they don’t all fall where they’re supposed to.”

  “Done!” Talia and Veronica agreed simultaneously.

  “Ready, ladies?” Cole looked between the three women who started at his sudden appearance. “Did I miss anything?” His eyebrow crawled higher as he regarded one after the other, not missing their rosy cheeks.

  “No, we’re just excited to get going.” Sage hooked her arm through his and dragged him to the back door. “Grab that big basket, won’t you, honey.” She prodded his bicep with a stiff finger. “At least these bulges can be put to some good use for a change.”

  She smiled cheekily at Cole at the strangled laughter from the two women behind them.

  “Careful, love. I’m sure the students would love to witness their favorite professor getting a well-deserved spanking,” he said for her ears only.

  “You wouldn’t dare.”


  Sage dared a sideward glance at him. He appeared all too serious under the circumstances. She wasn’t brave enough to taunt him any further. As her Dom, he wouldn’t hesitate but as the Dean in charge of the group … well, rather be safe than sorry was her new motto.

  The short trip to the orange tree field was filled with jokes and laughter, with Barry and Brenna riling up the students for the competition ahead. Barry took charge of the rules the moment they arrived.

  “Right. We can’t expect the Dean’s three teams to compete against forty-eight of us, so we’ll have six teams of eight students and one team of professors. The rules are simple. According to Mr. Fuller, the crates are weighed, so the total calculated weighted value of the crates each team fills will establish the winner. When the siren goes off, everyone has to stop. If some of the oranges landed outside the crate, you are not allowed to pick them up at that point. There has to be two people per picking team within the group of eight. One picks, the other packs. If the Dean and his team wins, we have to make tripe.” He nodded at the expressions of, “Gross!” and “Yuck,” that echoed to the sky. He held up his hand. “On the other hand, if any of the student teams win, the Dean and his team have to catch fresh fish in the lake and cook it over the open fire tonight.”

  Cheers lit up the sky. It was evident the students had no intention of losing as they immediately divided into teams.

  All too soon, Cole climbed the ladder to the highest point where the oranges were on the tree, He looked down at her and winked. “Ready?”

  Sage looked at the net she held in her hands. “So, I’m just supposed to catch the oranges in the net and dump them into the container?”

  “Spot on, love. I’ve got a good aim, so don’t move around and you won’t have to do anything more than throwing them into the bin.”

  “Right. I guess I’m ready then.” She glanced at her two conspirators and smiled in return. They’d agreed to initially work hard at the pretense of wanting to win before they started making mistakes and dropping the oranges on the ground.

  What she’d believed was going to be boring and stupid turned out to be full of fun and laughter, especially with Cole, Steve, and Kent continuously joking and verbally sparring with the students. All too soon, she realized how much faster their containers were filling up than the students. Talia and Veronica were also so involved in the process, they didn’t notice Sage trying to gain their attention. She deliberately stepped in the way of a foray of oranges from above.

  “Ouch! Damnit Cole, that hurt,” she cried out in a whiny voice.

  “I’m sorry, love but I told you not to move.” He descended a couple of steps but stopped as she waved him back.

  “I’m okay. It was just unexpected.” She glanced toward the other women. At least the pain she’d suffered paid off. She had their attention. She made big eyes at them. Both nodded as they too realized they’d completely forgotten about their pact to ensure they lost.

  Sage had to admit, it was much harder and more work to ensure she missed the containers and dropped the oranges to the ground than just tipping the net over. By the time the siren sounded, her arms were burning and every muscle from her neck to her ankles protested.

  “What the devil, Sage?” Cole landed on his feet beside her and stared at the orange carpet surrounding their containers.

  Sage threw down the net and fiddled with her fingers. “Well, I can’t help it if you’re a robot. I’m sorry, Cole, but my hands kept slipping and my arms are so sore,” she said in a small voice. She stared beseechingly at him and had to dig deep not to flinch in the face of his narrowed look. Then his stance relaxed and he pulled her against him to hug her tight.

  “Hmm, I guess I should’ve realized it sooner and given you a break.” He looked over to the others and his eyes slit once again as he noticed the same phenomena his two teammates were suffering. “I smell a rat,” he growled but before he could investigate further, the farmhands collected the containers.

  “Come on, Dean Sawyer, it’s time for the reckoning,” Barry shouted from where they were already waiting at the scales.

  “Don’t think this is the end of it, my pet.”

  “End of what?” she said with an innocent blink of her eyes. “I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about.” She rubbed her biceps and moaned at the pinch of pain when she moved her arms.

innocent act doesn't fool me,” he mumbled but brushed her hands away and gently massaged her arms.

  Chapter Twelve

  “And the winners are …” Fuller, the farm manager paused dramatically and grinned at Cole. “They got you this time, Boss.” He pointed at Barry. “Barry and Brenna’s group won by a hair’s breadth over the Dean’s team.”

  The students broke out in applause and joyous shouts.

  “Time to go fishing, Dean Sawyer!”

  “Yep … and we’re famished, so you better catch enough!”

  “Don’t forget the homemade breads, Ms. Porter!”

  “And baked potatoes!”

  Sage laughed and shook her head. She dared a quick glance at Cole but he appeared relaxed and enjoying the banter.

  Until he said, “Take everyone home, Fuller. Steve, you and the others head out to the lake. I’ll join you there.”

  “Where are you going, Boss?” Fuller asked as he started the tractor.

  He glanced at Sage who he’d kept by his side with a hand clasped around her elbow. “I have a small matter to discuss with Ms. Porter.”

  “I’m sure whatever it is can wait until later. My legs are sore, Cole, and it’s … wait! Come back,” she shouted after Fuller as he pulled away.

  “You know, love, I’m a very competitive man by nature. Which means I hate to lose.”

  “I noticed,” she mumbled and moved carefully away from him as he dropped her arm. She looked around. They were alone. Even the farmhands had left with the rest. She looked at Cole and dragged in a deep breath. Suddenly he looked like a giant as he stood watching her with his legs widespread and his massive arms crossed over his chest.

  “So, my pet. Let’s discuss all those oranges that didn’t make it inside the containers.”

  “I already explained what happened.” She took another step back, carefully eyeing the distance to the row between the trees. She didn’t like the glint in his eyes … it carried a promise of retribution that she didn’t think she wanted to know what it consisted of. He might be big but she was fast, as a star athlete at school, she knew she’d be able to outrun him.

  “True but here’s the conundrum. All three of you had the same problem. Don’t you think that’s a little too coincidental?”

  “Not at all. You have giant arms, so you have no idea how much strain our arms had to bear.” She tapped her bicep. “See? My arms look like straws against yours.”

  “Hmm … me thinks the lady doth protest too much.” Cole took a step closer and it was all Sage needed to turn tail and run. “Come back here, you little snip!”

  She didn’t look back, rather concentrated on pumping her legs as hard as she could.

  “Shit! Shit!” she puffed as she heard the thunder behind her coming closer. The damn man wasn’t just big, he was fast too! She pushed her legs harder, faster and with a twist of her body, ducked under the low branches of the trees into the adjacent row. She changed direction and ran back in the direction from which she’d come.

  “Cole, this is ridiculous,” she shouted as she ran, realizing he was once again breathing down her neck.

  “I agree,” his growl was too close for comfort and the next moment, she was airborne as his arm closed around her waist and he lifted her off her feet. She kicked and struggled as best she could but eventually gave up as his dark chuckle penetrated.

  “Cole Sawyer, put me down this instant.”

  “Oh, I intend to … but first …” He walked toward one of the large trees. “Hmm, this one will do.” He tightened his grip around her waist. She wheezed to draw a breath. “Pick one.”

  “Pick what? An orange? There’s none left on this tree.”

  He barked a laugh, one with such true amusement that she twisted around to stare at him. He looked younger and heaven help her, good enough to eat.

  “No, Sage,” he said, still chuckling, “pick four leafy branches.”

  She slapped his arm and tried to wriggle free but it was useless. He was too strong. Being flogged with branches from the tree didn’t sound like fun and if he thought she’d dutifully pick her own punishment tool, he was sadly mistaken. Realizing it was futile to struggle, she crossed her arms over her chest and puffed her cheeks.

  “The longer you wait, the more lashes you’ll get. Pick them, Sage. Now.”

  She reached out and gingerly ticked on the branches. They were quite sturdy which caused her buttock to clench at the thought of the pain they’d impact. Her hands fluttered over the branches in search of softer, newer ones with some give.

  “I can't believe you’re making me do this.”

  “Remember that you asked for this, my pet.”

  Sage pressed her lips together, refusing to take the bait. Arguing with him would only exacerbate the depth of shit she was already in.

  “I don’t even know which ones to choose and I don’t like this, Cole. I’ve never felt the sting of a flogger, a crop, or a cane.” Her voice grew thin. “These twigs look suspiciously like a cane.”

  “I’d rather say a switch. Come now, Sage. Four switches. Doesn’t matter what they look like. It’ll be perfect to remind you it’s never a good idea to play me for the fool.”

  “That is not what I did.”

  “No? I beg to differ.”

  “It’s just …” She glanced at him over her shoulder. It felt ridiculous to hang in the air. “Tripe, Cole. We just couldn’t. Who in their right mind eats stuff like that?”

  His eyes crinkled in amusement but he didn’t respond to her miffed protest. “Either you pick them now or I will do it for you and believe me, I’m not going to be as choosy as you.”

  Sage selected four branches and stared morosely as he effortlessly broke them off.

  “I’m going to lower you to the ground. Run again and this is going to be much worse.”

  Sage took his warning to heart, clamping her hands together as she watched him deftly remove the leaves from the broad ends before he weaved them into a handle. She winced as he tested the sting against his palm.

  “Lovely how the leaves sensually slid softly against my skin in that split second before the flash of pain register from the woody branches. He smiled at her. “Perfect for your sweet little ass.”

  His voice lowered and in that split second, he morphed into the powerful Dom. It was a switch that rocked her every time it happened. He didn’t have to say a word. The signs were all there. In the way his body moved, how his eyes darkened, and how he exuded a massive amount of Dominance.


  Sage glanced around. “Strip … as in naked?”

  “Generally, that’s what it means, yes, but leave on your sneakers. I don’t want you to step into something sharp.” He snapped the makeshift flogger against his shorts. “Don’t make me wait, Sage.”

  She shifted her weight as her eyes darted back and forth. “But here, in the open? What if someone sees us?”

  “There’s no one here, my pet, and we’re hidden amongst the trees. Now, get to it.”

  He was rather amused as he watched her remove her clothes and contrary to her usual neatness, scattered them all over.

  “Now what?” she huffed with her arms over her breasts.

  He guided her to stand in the narrow path between the trees. “Hold onto these.”

  “You’re not serious.”

  “As you said earlier, this is going to be your first flogging and I suspect you'd be tempted to cover your tits, which of course will mean additional pain to your hands.”

  It was pure instinct that moved her to cover her breasts. She looked horrified.

  “You’re wasting time. I’d like to catch a couple of fish still before sunset. Now, Sage. Hold on to these and spread your legs.” The darkness in his voice brooked no further resistance as he leaned forward, ensnaring her in his massive focus. For that moment, nothing existed but her. It gave her the courage she needed to grab onto the branches he pulled toward her from two trees juxtaposed with each other. She
did, however, spice it up with a murderous glare.

  “Fuck, you’re so beautiful. You look like a woodnymph offering herself to the gods.”

  “Believe me, at the moment I feel anything but,” she grumbled but was more than aware of the trembling in her arms and legs.

  Cole took a step closer. He brushed the hair from her face. He looked delicious, like he always did, wearing board shorts with a t-shirt. It was a sacrilege that a man could be this gorgeous, this distracting, even under the dire circumstances she was in. She swallowed as her eyes drifted over each mouth-wateringly handsome feature. The neat goatee enhanced his firm jaw and oh, so kissable mouth. His muscles rippled under the cotton that clung to him like a second skin. She licked her lips, doing her utmost to focus on the problem at hand.

  But it was damn difficult when he stood this close and although she resented the reaction to his brief touch, her traitorous heart thumped out a dangerous sexual melody.

  “I love your defiance, baby … most of the time, but when it comes at my expense … then I can’t let it go. Twenty lashes.”

  “NO!” She took back a step but clung to the branches like they were her lifeline. “That’s too much. Please, Cole.” Her eyes dropped to the frightening leafy flogger he kept snapping against his shorts. “That’s going to hurt like the bejesus.”

  She was at war with the internal battle waging inside her. Did she obey the Dominant who turned her on or give in to the instinctive urge to flee from the asshole who made her tremble?

  Damn his dark soul to hell ... he grinned.

  “That is the intention.” He watched her expression as he lifted the flogger and ran the leaves across her breasts, her stomach and let it drift tantalizingly between her legs. She blinked and the next moment, he was gone.

  The swish registered seconds before the sharp edge of the switch connected with her ass. Before she could gasp around the sting flashing through her brain three more strikes landed.

  “Owww,” she wailed as they seemed to hurt more and more with each bite against her skin. She gasped as Cole pressed his hard body against her back.