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His Devil's Wish Page 15
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Page 15
“I see. That’s a pity.” Slick winked at Paige. “If he gives you any trouble, remember Rose, until you officially commit to being his sub, you’re free to play the field and I’ll only be too willing to accommodate you.”
He chuckled at Ethan’s expression as he walked away, his strides long and confident, carrying his large body with ease.
“What the fuck was that all about?” Ethan growled irritably. His hand wrapped around Paige’s waist to draw her against his side.
“Yeah, it’s unlike Master Slick to openly challenge another Master,” Rhone agreed, still watching the receding back of the man under discussion. A thoughtful expression crossed his face.
“Well, what he said is true, Master Apollo. Rose isn’t your sub, not officially, anyway,” Samantha interceded. An impish grin appeared on her lips at the possessive hold Ethan maintained on Paige. “Or am I mistaken?”
“Keep your nose out of my business, Ace,” Ethan grumbled.
“Master Razor, Master Black has requested your and Master Apollo’s assistance with a punishment in the examination room,” July, the club coordinator interrupted softly. She glanced sideways at the imposing Masters who stood glaring at Samantha.
“What type of assistance?” Samantha blurted out. Rhone suppressed a smile. He could swear he saw the hair at her nape rise with indignation. She was aware the only time Senior Masters were involved with punishments was when a sub was either denied orgasms or forced into multiple ones. The method they used, however, was what she objected to.
“Ehm . . . I’d rather not say,” July said and hastened back to the dungeon. Samantha had taken to rebelling against punishment scenes that involved Rhone’s participation.
“Ace, behave. You know the club dynamics. It’s never going to change and I’m becoming slightly tired repeating myself on this matter,” Rhone’s voice had deepened and his body seemed to grow bigger.
“Well, pardon me, Master Razor,” Samantha snapped, tapping her foot on the floor. “but I’ll have you know—HMMM,” She screamed against the rubber ball gag that Rhone summarily pressed between her lips and fastened behind her head. Before she could yank it out, he clipped her wrist cuffs into the round link behind her neck attached to the broad leather collar she was wearing.
“It’s a good thing I decided to carry these in my pockets, don’t you agree, Ace?” Rhone drawled with an amused vibration in his tone.
She cursed but it came out garbled and caused the hated drool to drip from her lips. Now she understood the reason for the outfit he’d insisted she wear. Not because the collar had any meaning but because he had intended to use it during the course of the evening. If looks could kill, Rhone would be a dead man.
“Now look at that, Ace. The pink ball gag goes very well with your corset. Except, I believe it will round off the picture if these perfectly coral pink nipples of yours . . . yes, there . . . are also on show,” Rhone yanked the top of the corset down to expose her breasts.
“Phog’ng aphowl.” Samantha bristled but the curse lost its effect around the large rubber ball.
“This is for your own good, my pet. Now, now, you know better than to glare at me. This way, you’ll be forced to sit quietly and not make a scene while I attend to the punishment as requested.”
“Fugh u,” she snapped and yanked her arms to and thro.
“Enough. You’re going to scrape your neck red and then I’ll be forced to punish you for damaging my property,” Rhone barked and gently rubbed the softness of her skin under the collar.
“Pfopty my aph,” she continued to defy him.
“Keep going, Ace. Your attitude adjustment has been adding up for a couple of weeks now. I, for one, am quite ready to correct it tonight.”
Samantha didn’t respond but the cold glare said it all.
“And that goes for every glare from this point on. Let’s go. I don’t like to keep a sub waiting for her punishment.”
Samantha didn’t budge, stubbornly deciding she had no intention of watching Rhone enjoy making a meal of another woman’s pussy, even under the guise of punishment.
Rhone, of course, had other ideas. His gaze was dark when he slowly pulled a silver chain from his pocket. Samantha turned tail and made for the exit when she realized his intent. He caught her by the second step.
“Oh no, you don’t. I have to admit, luv, your defiance is exciting the hell out of me,” he growled softly in her ear. “Keep it up and I might just turn your punishment into a public one. Fancy being fucked on stage, Ace?”
“Nt pby u,” she angrily snipped at him when he clipped the chain in the front of the collar and started walking, forcing her to follow him as he attached the other end to his belt.
Ethan chuckled as they followed the couple to the dungeon.
“I’m almost too scared to ask what the punishment is,” Paige wondered aloud.
“Come now, Rose. You should know by now that we always find appropriate punishments for a disrespectful sub. The Senior Masters in this club don’t always choose a corporal one. We prefer the more . . . eh, how shall I word this, satisfying method of dealing with it. We all help each other, should the need arise.”
“That’s wonderful but you still haven’t answered my question.”
“I assume Master Black intends to use climax control or forced climaxes for this punishment, which is where we come in. A punishment like this could last up to an hour, depending on the severity of the sub’s misconduct.”
“I see.” Paige noticed numerous members crowding the fishbowl window which allowed spectators to watch a scene inside the examination room. “And what method is normally used for such punishment?”
“That too varies, but the most effective is to offer a sub something she loves and then deny the pleasure that it offers. We’re going to feast on the sub’s pussy, my sweet.”
“You’re going to . . . here? With everyone watching?”
“It seems that way, yes.” Ethan was aware of the sudden chill that seemed to emanate from Paige. It set his heart aflutter as he recognized the jealous flash in her eyes and the color blooming on her cheeks.
“Come now, Rose. Surely you’ve seen something similar at Club Pearl?”
Paige had heard the rumors of similar and even more intimate punishments the Senior Masters of Club Devil’s Cove shared. That didn’t mean she had to like any of them!
“And just how long is this . . . feasting on her pussy going to last?”
“As I said, probably an hour.”
“You, Master Apollo. Exactly how long are you going to have your face buried between her legs?”
This time, Paige couldn’t keep the annoyed huskiness from her voice.
Ethan stared at her. He didn’t bother to hide the amusement in his tone. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re jealous, Rose. That’s counterproductive to the environment we’re in, so, I suggest you behave.”
Paige snorted. She bit back the snide remark that sprang to her lips but glowered at him from beneath her eyelashes. The warning glimmer in his eyes was one she couldn’t ignore.
“I don’t have the same patience as Master Razor, Rose, so this is your one and only warning. Glare at me again and you will be the next one on that chair. Am I making myself clear?”
She squared her shoulders and tilted her chin defiantly higher. “Oh, of course you are, Master Apollo but that hardly matters, doesn’t it? I’m not your sub, so—” Her relay ended as Ethan spun her around and dragged her against the wall behind him so quickly she couldn’t breathe. A fearful gasp escaped from her lips as his large hand folded around her throat, firmly but gently holding her in place against the wall.
“Let me go!”
He squeezed his fingers ever so slightly that forced Paige unto her toes. Leaning his face closer, he growled against her temple, “I would love to have you on that chair, helpless and under my mercy. Please give me a reason, Paige.”
She stubbornly kept her eyes glued to his chin, not w
illing to let him see how much his rough actions excited her.
“Look at me,” Ethan warned when she kept her lips pressed closed. “I’m waiting, Rose.”
His voice deepened, became guttural, warning her that he was reaching the end of his patience. It weakened her resistance but the little devil on her shoulder spurred her to see how far she could push him.
“Such blatant disrespect,” he murmured. His eyes narrowed on her full lips drawn into an enticing pout. His gut tightened slowly while his heart started a strong rat-a-tat in his chest. He traced the soft skin between her breasts. “Very well, my pet,” he purred and before she realized what he was doing, he loosened the halter top of her dress and dragged it down to her waist.
“No!” She protested loudly and lifted her hands to cover her naked breasts.
“No,” he barked. Her hands fell to his forearms. “You shouldn’t defy me in here, Rose. Actually, I would’ve thought you already knew that about me. The dress stays like this and your hands behind your back, is that clear?”
“Yes, Sir,” she snapped through clenched teeth. She could feel her nipples tightening into taut nubs as he stepped back to peruse her.
“Hands,” Ethan ordered. He watched with a satisfied glint in his eyes when she obeyed immediately and clasped them behind her back. “No, not like that. Bend your arms and grip the opposite elbow. I want those tits pushed out for everyone to see. Perfect. Now,” he said as he led her to the doorway of the examination room. “You don’t move from this spot and you will ask every Master that walks past you into the room, to pinch your nipples and suck on them at their own leisure.”
“I will do no such thing.”
“No? Really, Rose? Hmm, lemme see. I’ll give you another option. Either you accept this or you will be subjected to the same punishment as the sub in that chair.”
“I’d prefer neither,” she responded immediately.
“Don’t push me, Rose. I promise you, you will lose. Now, choose, or I will do it for you.”
Paige stared at him, as much excited with her choices as she was annoyed by them. She didn’t like to be on display in the first place and to have to ask the Masters to punish her, even less. But at least it would keep his attention on her the entire time.
“Very well, I’ll—”
“I’ll do as you command, Master Apollo,” she chipped in quickly, choosing the lesser of two evils.
Ethan chuckled. “Pity. I was looking forward watching you thrash in the hands, or rather, mouths and lips of my fellow Masters.” He gave her a quick peck on her lips. “Now, behave, Rose and remember, I’ll be watching. If you miss one Master, I’ll instruct him to whip your nipples as a reward for your neglect.”
“Master Blade,” she shrieked immediately as she spotted Keon entering the room behind Ethan.
“Yes, Rose?” He responded in his usual deep voice.
“And don’t forget my rule, Rose,” Ethan intoned as he walked into the room, confident in his mastery over Rose, that she would do as told.
“Ehm, please pinch my nipples and then suck on them at your leisure,” she said in a small voice. She could feel the red blush spreading from her chest to cover her cheeks.
“Well now, two punishments at the same time is a perfect way to begin the evening,” Keon said as he brushed his palms over her nipples. She moaned as her nipples immediately tingled in response. She gasped when he pinched them between his fingers. Alternating hard and rolling pinches that had Paige standing onto her toes and her nails dug into the soft skin of her arms.
“You have beautiful tits, Rose,” he praised. She held her breath as he pulled her closer and with his arm around her waist, lifted her higher to wrap his lips around a nipple and sucking it deep into his mouth.
“Oh shit,” Paige wailed. The effect of the hard tugs on her nipple shot like an arrow to her loins which immediately set her clit throbbing in response. By the time he moved to the other, Paige was thrashing in his arms with rising desire.
Keon lowered her to the ground and held onto her until her rubbery legs obeyed the order from her brain to support her body.
“Thank you, Master Blade,” she stuttered, seeking Ethan’s gaze for approval. She got it but not in the way she appreciated. His eyes met hers from between the thighs of the blonde sub, who was thrashing and pleading with him while he licked and sucked on her pussy with obvious enjoyment.
Paige recognized her as Jordan Clark, one of the club subs who doubled up as a receptionist, bartender or a coordinator in return for free membership. She was a very nice woman but her sassy nature got her into more trouble than any of the others.
“Oh, Master Jag,” Paige called when she noticed Max stroll into the room, almost missing his entry with her preoccupation with what Ethan was doing.
Max’s only response was a raised eyebrow. It gave him a roguish look.
She repeated the instructions and blistered under another intense perusal of her breasts before he came closer. Her surprised cry drew Ethan’s gaze when Max pinched and tugged on the one nipple while he sucked and nibbled on the other. Paige had never experienced a nipple climax but the way these Masters manipulated her breasts, with such expertise, it broke through the barriers of her defiance.
Paige pressed her back hard against the doorframe but Max followed, punishing her with a sharp nip on the taut nub. Her loins clenched in response and she felt the rush of heat filling her pussy.
She was panting and leaning weakly against the frame when Max stepped back.
“Thank you, Master Jag,” Paige whispered, desperately trying to find her composure. She was relieved to see Ethan watching her from where he was now leaning against the opposite wall. Master Blade had replaced him between Jordan’s legs. Paige could empathize with the thrashing and pleading woman as she herself wondered how long she’d be able to remain standing on her own legs.
She looked around the room and sighed with relief to find Master Razor, Mistress Pam and Master Black already inside, which only left Master Goliath, if he was even there, and Master Ash. And she supposed, Master Slick, who had been introduced as a Master to her as well. She hadn’t seen Master Rage anywhere and she could only hope he wasn’t at the club. Three was more than she thought she could cope with.
Paige cringed when she noticed the towering frame of Master Goliath enter the room. He stopped when he noticed her, his eyes slowly trailing over her breasts, which was throbbing, with her nipples already tinted deep red from all the attention.
“Very pretty tits, Rose,” he said with a wink.
“Ahem, thanks, Master Goliath.” The sheer size of the man was enough to make her heart flutter. “Please pinch my nipples and suck on them at your leisure,” she forced the instruction past her lips which felt suddenly dry. Then the squeaking sound of a wheelchair drew her attention. Master Ash’s onyx colored eyes homed in on her breasts, having overheard what she’d said. “And, you too, please, Master Ash.”
“Hm, what a conundrum, right Goliath? Who’s going first?”
“I don’t mind sharing, Ash. You take the left, I’ll take the right,” Goliath said with a broad smile and pushed Paige down onto Richard’s lap before he went down on one knee beside the chair and immediately began stroking her nipple. Richard on the other hand, lapped at the taut tip with slow licks. Within seconds, Paige was squirming and moaning. Her thighs were sticky from the constant flow of her juices and she feared proof of that might show once she got up from the chair.
Then they started sucking on her nipples, simultaneously. Paige jerked and nearly went through the roof at the effect the twin sensations had on her. One would tug on the tip with delicate softness, while the other sucked hard with long and deep pulls. Her clit throbbed with the need to climax and still they continued.
“Stop. Please, I beg you, no more,” she whimpered. She was helplessly pinned with her arms still behind her. Her body shuddered with need as they increased their efforts, both sucking like hungry infants now, pulli
ng and stretching her nipples.
They released them with a loud pop.
“Ooh, fuck,” Paige wailed as she felt the heat stinging her clitoris like pin pricks. She clenched her thighs together, willing the climax that was hovering on the brink, to recede. She didn’t move, silently praying that the two Masters would leave her be until she had her body under control.
Goliath assisted her upright and held her against his broad chest until she managed to stand on her own. His large hands gently massaged her upper arms. “Doing okay, Rose?” he asked in a hushed voice.
Paige nodded, still too overwrought to speak. He leaned closer to whisper in her ear, “Don’t think I’ve forgotten about the promise you made on the night you interrupted my scene, little pet. I have every intention of holding you to it.”
“Y-yes, Master Goliath,” Paige whispered. Her heart was racing in her chest. She’d completely forgotten about it but should’ve realized he wouldn’t. She’d had anal sex before but had never been in a ménage. Double penetration was something totally foreign to her. She slumped against the wall when he stepped back and with a little salute, walked deeper into the room.
Paige was tempted to fall into Ethan’s arms when he approached her but she forced her limbs to remain still. She prayed silently that her punishment was over.
“I’m proud of you, Rose. You handled that very well,” he crooned as he pulled her hands forward. She moaned at the twinge of pain that seared through her muscles. “There now, relax, my pet,” he purred while gently massaging her arms from shoulder to wrist. “That better, my sweet?”
“Yes, thank you.”
“Am I too late to join in the punishment, Master Apollo?”
Ethan turned to find Master Slick’s gaze searing with hot lust over Paige’s swollen breasts. His actions were unlike him and combined with his earlier indiscreet comments, Ethan couldn’t help but wonder what he was aiming to achieve.
“I’m afraid so, mate.”
“That’s a pity. I would’ve loved to feel the texture of those lovely red nubs on my tongue,” he replied with a libidinous smirk on his lips.